Shanta (2004) conducted a study on the “Impact of Globalization on World Society”. The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of globalization on world society. The research indicated that in the past century there has been worldwide surge in economic growth and more people lifted out of poverty than in all human history. The study indicated that world poverty has fallen within past 30 years. Since 1970’s the development in China and India has played a significant role in reduction of the world poverty. However, economic growth is unbalanced and uneven across the globe. The economic growth has been concentrated just in fifteen wealthy countries. Whereas, eighty-nine other countries represent 1.6 billion people or one quarter of the world population are economically worse off than they were ten or more years ago. Sub-Saharan Africa requires greater focus to deal with poverty. The present uneven economic growth trend has widened the gap between the rich and poor countries. According to economic forecasts if the current pattern of uneven economic growth continues, the poorest countries of the world will grow even poorer while the richest countries will become even richer. Across the world inequality has affected disproportionately the children and women of poor countries. The present global uneven economic growth has raised a question can this gap between the rich and poor nations will be narrowed rather than widened in the future? This question has made social scientists, policy makers, and global international institutions to rethink about the impact of globalization and future of rich and poor countries. The impact of globalization has created a need for global action and interconnectivity at international, national, and local levels to make a human and sustainable world society in the 21st century.
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Background of the study
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